Celebrating Thoughtful Lives with Inspired Choices
A Sustainable Legacy
Mortal? Read on
If your family were suddenly left with the need to make unexpected burial arrangements, would they have the information they need to honor your wishes for an unconventional/green burial or other creative alternative to the commercial funeral home approach?
Planning ahead now can open up an array of choices that may reflect your preferences better than conventional options.
We will help you create a vision for your legacy, and put the pieces in place to ensure that what you leave behind aligns with your values and priorities.
We can also serve families with unforeseen needs, providing resources for home wakes or funerals, or celebrant services for farewell ceremonies.
What We Do
What will happen at the end of your life to honor your authentic self? We'll help you create a plan that reflects your values--and is as unique as you are.
Funeral ceremonies and celebrations of life
Participatory, affordable, and unique
I work with individuals and families to design and personalize individualized farewells, resonant eulogies and can provide full event planning services if needed. I am a certified Funeral Celebrant/Life Tribute professional through the InSight Institute.
Workshops and One-on-one Planning
Planning sessions with individuals and groups who want to craft their vision and plan for an end of life transition in a creative and supportive environment that allows for the expression of their unique self.
Unplanned Assistance
Consultation to families who may have unexpectedly encountered a need for advice and resources about the best way to honor the passing of a loved one in accordance with his/her values if prior arrangements were not made.
Education and Archiving
Research and advocacy addressing the legal and logistical barriers to home-based funeral services and a more comprehensive array of environmentally-sensitive choices for burial/corporeal re-integration.
Tools (e.g. digital or web-based) that allow individuals to explore options for their legacy as well as curate multimedia to tell their personal story and capture ideas/images/memories/values to be shared with others at the end of life transition and in the future.
Founder Jasmine Tanguay
I work with people and families who are frustrated by standard funeral and burial options to create inspired end of life plans that align with their environmental and other deeply held values. I help them explore a range of options that are more environmentally-restorative than cremation or embalming and vault burial, and support planning for a home funerals that allow their family to stay deeply involved in their care after death.
I also help people create a vision for a highly personal celebration of their life, crystallize and express their core personal values as a gift to those who live on after them. I work holistically with clients to plan for a sustainable legacy, which also may include financial and emotional dimensions, in addition to what happens to their physical remains.
As an experienced sustainability professional, I understand the complexities of these decisions and have tools to navigate this new territory. As a trained funeral celebrant, I know how to bring meaning, personalization, and ritual into the memorialization process. As a facilitator and mediator, I know how to solicit and balance the needs and wishes of individuals and families to create a plan that honors your deepest values.
Jasmine is a Funeral Celebrant certified by the Insight Institute in 2015.
She is a also volunteer with the Funeral Consumers Alliance of Eastern Massachusetts and a member of the Natural Deathcare Collaborative.
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- ResourcesApril 20, 2018It’s not easy organizing all of the information your next-of-kin (and others) may need at the end of your life. Thankfully, there are a whole host of planners, workbooks, and guides available for getting the information documented in a way that will be easy to share when the time comes. Here are...